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"SAMaaS" is the solution that complements your SAM Team

You can outsource some or all of your SAM functions to LG6 Services.

Finding and retaining qualified SAM resources can be a challenge for most organizations. Sometimes your size doesn’t justify hiring a specialized resource for a task.

This is why we designed our SAMaaS offer. For a fixed monthly fee, we can become part of your SAM team and cost-effectively perform these tasks without the hassle of finding qualified staff.

Benefits for your organization

Easy budgeting

We will provide a monthly cost for the required deliverables. Monthly payments are fixed during the lenght of the contract and will not fluctuate.

Cost efficient vs hiring

The cost of outsourcing a SAM function is often more cost-effective than hiring an internal full-time employee when you consider all the associated expenses.

Better outcomes

Hiring a specialist for a SAM function usually provides a better outcome since you immediately have access to an experienced expert.

Minimized risk

With a resource specialized in a particular topic on your team, there is less chance of error. And we have liability insurance to protect you even more!

Our offerings

SAM program oversight

LG6 Services can be part of your SAM program management team to make sure it evolves. 

Software compliance and optimization

LG6 Services can be responsible for the compliance and optimization of specific software providers, with or without a SAM tool in place. 

SAM Technology management

LG6 Services can be responsible for maintaining the SAM tool over time to make sure it is well maintained and that your deployment data represents reality. 

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